Monday, April 26, 2010

Creative Multimedia; The New Generation of Art

Ho Xin Yi 1081103740
Hee Kong Ee 1081103166
Chuah Wei Heng 1081103564
Low Ziyin 1071120338

  • Topic is Creative Multimedia; The New Generation of Art
  • Art as the topic
  • Mind map
  • Sketches are based on minimalist and abstract
Mind Map

Topic given to discover what creative multimedia is, and this is what our group came out with.

The topic Art has been chosen by us to show how art relates to creative multimedia.


Both of this sketches are pure minimalist with the concept of using lines and shapes. It is random.

Both of this pictures are abstract using the metaphor of multimedia, it is done this way to search for a new idea and concept.

In this sketch abstract with a little touch of minimalist is added. In the red box, that drawing is telling how a sound frequency can create an artwork.

Abstract is the key in this sketch with the lines, colour and shapes, it convey a message of art and multimedia in the eye of a creative multimedia.

In this concept of multimedia, it is clear that this sketch it is trying to convey the meaning of art in multimedia.





After doing all sketches, we came out with this idea. This is how we relate Creative Multimedia and The New Generation of Art.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Essay Topic : Creative Multimedia; The New Generation of Art

Creative Multimedia was a topic given to think about. Mind map had been done to show what we get from Creative Multimedia. As we know Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term is used in contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms. After knowing what does Multimedia mean; how do we define creative? Creative is a new idea or a new way of doing things. Creativity is the ability to think up and design new inventions, produce works of art, solve problems in new ways, or develop an idea based on an original, novel, or unconventional approach. Creativity is the ability to see something in a new way, to see and solve problems no one else may know exists, and to engage in mental and physical experiences that are new, unique, or different. Creativity is a critical aspect of a person's life. From Knowing the meaning and understand the terms of Multimedia and Creative. We get a lot of idea from the topic creative multimedia. For example Arts, Technology, Creativity, Faculty of Creative Multimedia and etc. From those idea we gathered. We have decided to take Art as the main topic.

After much of discussion, we have decided Art as our topic. Why do we choose art? Well very simple as the student of the Faculty of Creative Multimedia art is everything to us. We see art everywhere. What does art define as; art is use of skill and imagination. With this skill and imagination it creates an object, environment or experience that can be shared with others. Beside having imagination and skills; art describe several things. It is a study of creative skills, process of using it and how audience react and experience with the creative skills. Art is not an object or something that has creativity and beauty on it, the true value of art can generate strong emotions; every piece of art tells a story.

In art there are multiple genre; for example minimalism, contemporary art, digital painting, abstract, fine art, fashion, design and architecture. Design is considered applied art. Applied art is the application of design and aesthetics to objects of functions and everyday use. A lot of people out there thought that contemporary art is something new, but the truth is it has been created since 1970. Minimalism has been used as a trend whereby the object is reduced to its necessary elements. Fashion is consider an art. Fashion means clothing generally and the study of it. In fashion they have their own genre. With all this genres, it gives artist and designers a brand new idea; something fresh for the audience to adore. To give audience a fresh piece of art, artist and designer tend to collaborate different genre together. A great example can be seen is in the fashion industry, the late Alexander McQueen, has collaborated abstract art into his fashion line with symmetrical design. Besides having art added into fashion, architecture too uses art to give a fresh new design. For example minimalism, architect uses minimalism to convey the meaning of simplicity. Minimalism is highly used in the architecture industry for it expresses the basic elements of an object the use of lines and planes organized in very particular manner.

Everything we see or do relates to art, the typography in newspaper or magazine is an art, the building around us is an art, the clothes we wear is an art. Art is so important that everything we do and use is an art. How do we relate art in Creative Multimedia. Art in creative. Creativity is the thinking of a designer or an artist, everything in this world is an art, when the stuff you think is beautiful there is where creative comes in, creativity is the discover of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the existing ideas or concepts. Creative is both originality and appropriateness. Art in multimedia, everything designer uses “multimedia” to create their art work. The term multimedia applies in all the application that is available today, such as adobe creative suite, corel painting, autocad, autodesk and etc. With all this applications designer and artist are able to do anything. They can create abstract arts using softwares, they can merge fine art with abstract arts using softwares. Designer and artist can even use music to add-on to their artwork. It is clear that Creative Multimedia are co-related with art.

In conclusion art is just like a palate of colour, it helps to colour the world. The world needs improvement, art does not only beautify the place it also delivers message. A message that tells the world what art truly mean. Creative Multimedia and Art is a way to deliver the message. It is how we try to combine genres, to produce an art work that gives a fresh idea on how does art can strongly relates with creative multimedia. That is how we define Art in the new generation.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 10 Random Word / Image Association

The random word is the extension of juxtaposition, a more easier way that help you to get the idea. The random word works as a catalyst which motivate your idea, then you come out a new idea which the random word is not included.

The random word always work with a problem or situation, relate your problem to any random word that come to your mind or everywhere else, then try to think about the random word you chosen and elaborate it. Finally relate back to your problem. It's a good design if the problem is solved in a simplest and efficient way.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 9 Juxtaposition

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of "Life"
Life is like a match
but beauty and meaningful

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of "Love"
Love is warm
deeply feel inside your heart

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of "Love or Pain"
Love life, live in the world of harmony

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of "Pain"
Pain gets you melt

Love is like oxygen
You get too much you get too high
Not enough and you're gonna die
Love gets you high

Mr. Radzi Bedu give us some exercise about juxtaposition, this exercise just to let us have a better understanding what juxtapositon is about. The exercise given are interesting and interactive.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week 8 Juxtaposition

Continue with juxtaposition.

Juxtaposition in action:

Analogy, a cognitive process of transferring information from the particular subject to another.
-making things familiar
-use thing which has not any apparent connection to the object in order to explain something
-use familiar to explain complex(non-familiar)
-Logical Analogy(Use similarities to connect back, submarine and whale for examples)
-Affective Analogy(Emotional resemblance, pig and lazy for examples)
-Metaphor(2 similarity)
-Simile(Allows 2 ideas to remain distinct in spite of their similarities, keywords (like,as)

Oxymoron, an expression with contradictory words, for examples wise fool, legal murder.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 7 Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is the arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development.

There are 2 type of juxtaposition.

Juxtaposition(literary), synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another.

Random juxtaposition, two random objects moving in parallel, a technique intended to stimulate creativity.

The 'Lost' Season 1 was played in the lecture, the juxtaposition literary occur.

For examples:
Success/Failure - In his past, Jack's refusal to give up on Beth in the OR where unsuccessful, but when he refused to give up on Charlie he was successful with CPR. ("All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues")

Lucky/Unlucky - Hurley and Walt play backgammon, where Walt is lucky to get the rolls he wanted each time and Hurley is unlucky, getting rolls that caused him to lose. ("All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues")

Help/Hindrance - Charlie's bid to save Claire from Ethan ended up hindering the survivors as it prevented them from getting their answers. ("Homecoming")

Anger/Brokenness - In flashback, Locke is shown very angry and hitting his car. The scene switches to Locke in the jungle, kneeling and crying at the Hatch, seemingly broken. This is a juxtaposition of anger and sadness. ("Deus Ex Machina")

Brokeness/Hope - Directly after the moment described above, a light comes on in the Hatch, reinvigorating Locke's hopes and faith in the Island (and his destiny).

Life/Death - Boone dies at the same time Claire gives birth to Aaron, showing a juxtaposition of life and death with a strong contrast between the two. ("Do No Harm")



Personal Reflection

Juxtaposition make the subject/topic more contrast. So, the subject/topic will become more interesting and able to gain attention from people. This is one of the good way to combined 2 different/opposite ideas or objects together and generate with contrast effect.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 6 Creative Mind-map and Stereotype

Mr. Radzi Bedu gave lecture about creative mind map and stereotype.

Stereotype mean the first impression on something in your mind. Many things already been stereotype and it influence us all the time. For example, we can straight gave the answer without thinking because the answer is already in our mind. The moment you gave the stereotype answer in your mind on anything, you already stop your creativity because you do not think further anymore.

Mr. Radzi Bedu also explained what is creative mind map and also the differences between logical mind map and associated mind map. Logical mind map, every word or image is directly related to the subject/topic while associated mind map generate random words and also show the links between words have no connection.

Choose 3 keywords and explain how to relate them with mortar and pestle. So, I choose married, music and smoke.

The pestle can be symbolized as the groom ring and the mortar as the bride ring. They exchange it.

Using the pestle hit the mortar to produce music or sound.

The pestle will be the cigarette and the mortar will be the ashtray.

Personal Reflection

Think somethings different when you are doing the mind map. Do not let stereotype stop your creativity. This is what we call as creative mind mapping.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Mind-map

Week 5 Mind Mapping

Mind mapping, was introduced by Tony Buzan is a great tool for idea generation and brainstorming.

This week, Mr. Mustaffa Muzer brief us about the mind mapping concept and stereotype. There are 2 method of mind map which are logical mind map and associated mind map.

Logical mind map is directly connected to stereotypes. Every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its link. Stereotype is a conventional, formulaic, and over simplified conception, opinion, or image.

Stereotype usually use in logical mind map.


The associated mind map will be cover by Mr. Radzi Bedu on the following week.

Personal Reflection

In foundation year, we do a lots of mind mapping for design fundamental class. Mind mapping is clear and simple for us and also help us focus on our main point or topic. By looking at the mind mapping, we can generate and improve our idea easily.So, we can said that mind mapping is one of the good way to generate idea.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 4 Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

This week class was about novelty, creativity, innovation and invention.

Novelty is the quality of being new.

Creativity is the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things.

Innovation is the process of making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in a social context.

Invention is a new composition, device, or a process.

Personal Reflection

Novelty and creativity help us come out with new ideas or concepts. Innovation and invention help us to improve and present our idea or concept in a new way or new composition.

For my understanding in this week, we need go through this 4 process in order to be a successful and creative person. All this 4 process is connected to each others.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 3 Defining Creativity

Creativity - the generation of new ideas or new way of doing things.

Personal Reflection

For me, creativity means able to think, design, create a new idea or concept. Everyone are different, everyone have creativity, its depend on how you use it in your day life. There is no such things you are not creative, the only reason you are not creative is because you are using it. I agree with it when I do the revision for the notes.

When we deal with problems, being creativity also will help us to see and solve problems in a new way. It might end up with good solutions. Creativity also help in communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. Creativity belongs to everyone and there is no border for creativity.

Creativity is an ability, an attitude, a process.

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity.


In the first day for the course Creative Studies MLC 1013 class, Mr. Radzi Bedu explain about the definition and the objective of this course. There are also 3 more lecturer in the class, Mr.Yap Sau Bin, Mr. Mustafa Bin MD Muzer and Mrs. Sharifah Nur Anthasha Binti Syed Ahmad. We are being request by Mr. Radzi Bedu to do this blog journal to document our understanding and application of creativity in a creative format.

Personal Reflection

For me, this course is helping and teaching us how to think creatively. Like Mr. Radzi Bedu mention in the class, we need to think creatively by using our brain. So I wish I can learn somethings useful in this course, hopefully it's will help me become more creative.