Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 6 Creative Mind-map and Stereotype

Mr. Radzi Bedu gave lecture about creative mind map and stereotype.

Stereotype mean the first impression on something in your mind. Many things already been stereotype and it influence us all the time. For example, we can straight gave the answer without thinking because the answer is already in our mind. The moment you gave the stereotype answer in your mind on anything, you already stop your creativity because you do not think further anymore.

Mr. Radzi Bedu also explained what is creative mind map and also the differences between logical mind map and associated mind map. Logical mind map, every word or image is directly related to the subject/topic while associated mind map generate random words and also show the links between words have no connection.

Choose 3 keywords and explain how to relate them with mortar and pestle. So, I choose married, music and smoke.

The pestle can be symbolized as the groom ring and the mortar as the bride ring. They exchange it.

Using the pestle hit the mortar to produce music or sound.

The pestle will be the cigarette and the mortar will be the ashtray.

Personal Reflection

Think somethings different when you are doing the mind map. Do not let stereotype stop your creativity. This is what we call as creative mind mapping.

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