Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 5 Mind Mapping

Mind mapping, was introduced by Tony Buzan is a great tool for idea generation and brainstorming.

This week, Mr. Mustaffa Muzer brief us about the mind mapping concept and stereotype. There are 2 method of mind map which are logical mind map and associated mind map.

Logical mind map is directly connected to stereotypes. Every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its link. Stereotype is a conventional, formulaic, and over simplified conception, opinion, or image.

Stereotype usually use in logical mind map.


The associated mind map will be cover by Mr. Radzi Bedu on the following week.

Personal Reflection

In foundation year, we do a lots of mind mapping for design fundamental class. Mind mapping is clear and simple for us and also help us focus on our main point or topic. By looking at the mind mapping, we can generate and improve our idea easily.So, we can said that mind mapping is one of the good way to generate idea.

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