Friday, February 5, 2010


In the first day for the course Creative Studies MLC 1013 class, Mr. Radzi Bedu explain about the definition and the objective of this course. There are also 3 more lecturer in the class, Mr.Yap Sau Bin, Mr. Mustafa Bin MD Muzer and Mrs. Sharifah Nur Anthasha Binti Syed Ahmad. We are being request by Mr. Radzi Bedu to do this blog journal to document our understanding and application of creativity in a creative format.

Personal Reflection

For me, this course is helping and teaching us how to think creatively. Like Mr. Radzi Bedu mention in the class, we need to think creatively by using our brain. So I wish I can learn somethings useful in this course, hopefully it's will help me become more creative.

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