Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Mind-map

Week 5 Mind Mapping

Mind mapping, was introduced by Tony Buzan is a great tool for idea generation and brainstorming.

This week, Mr. Mustaffa Muzer brief us about the mind mapping concept and stereotype. There are 2 method of mind map which are logical mind map and associated mind map.

Logical mind map is directly connected to stereotypes. Every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its link. Stereotype is a conventional, formulaic, and over simplified conception, opinion, or image.

Stereotype usually use in logical mind map.


The associated mind map will be cover by Mr. Radzi Bedu on the following week.

Personal Reflection

In foundation year, we do a lots of mind mapping for design fundamental class. Mind mapping is clear and simple for us and also help us focus on our main point or topic. By looking at the mind mapping, we can generate and improve our idea easily.So, we can said that mind mapping is one of the good way to generate idea.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 4 Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

This week class was about novelty, creativity, innovation and invention.

Novelty is the quality of being new.

Creativity is the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things.

Innovation is the process of making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in a social context.

Invention is a new composition, device, or a process.

Personal Reflection

Novelty and creativity help us come out with new ideas or concepts. Innovation and invention help us to improve and present our idea or concept in a new way or new composition.

For my understanding in this week, we need go through this 4 process in order to be a successful and creative person. All this 4 process is connected to each others.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 3 Defining Creativity

Creativity - the generation of new ideas or new way of doing things.

Personal Reflection

For me, creativity means able to think, design, create a new idea or concept. Everyone are different, everyone have creativity, its depend on how you use it in your day life. There is no such things you are not creative, the only reason you are not creative is because you are using it. I agree with it when I do the revision for the notes.

When we deal with problems, being creativity also will help us to see and solve problems in a new way. It might end up with good solutions. Creativity also help in communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. Creativity belongs to everyone and there is no border for creativity.

Creativity is an ability, an attitude, a process.

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity.


In the first day for the course Creative Studies MLC 1013 class, Mr. Radzi Bedu explain about the definition and the objective of this course. There are also 3 more lecturer in the class, Mr.Yap Sau Bin, Mr. Mustafa Bin MD Muzer and Mrs. Sharifah Nur Anthasha Binti Syed Ahmad. We are being request by Mr. Radzi Bedu to do this blog journal to document our understanding and application of creativity in a creative format.

Personal Reflection

For me, this course is helping and teaching us how to think creatively. Like Mr. Radzi Bedu mention in the class, we need to think creatively by using our brain. So I wish I can learn somethings useful in this course, hopefully it's will help me become more creative.